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We are in closed beta testing. Let's grow together. Join us now.

Event organization made simple

The all-in-one platform is made to cover needs of event makers, venue owners, and suppliers.

Launched in Q1 2024. Undergoing closed testing.

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You can benefit from us

Event makers

It does not matter if you are an individual who is willing to do a small workshop or an international company that organizes tours across the world.

Helping you to find the best options and new opportunities is our goal.

Venue administrators

You can manage one or several venues.

Communication with counterparties will be easier, more transparent, and always up-to-date.

Leave your cluttered chats and notes in the past.

Venue owners

Get most of your venue with data. Lower your marketing spending.

Plan in advance and set goals for your teams.

Event suppliers

Your services will always be at the right spot.

And logistics will be made easier.